I had a couple strange dreams the other night. They were educational dreams from God through the Holy Spirit. They reminded me of the story described in “The Bent Blade of Grass and The Lost Penny!“
The Worker
In the first dream, I saw several people working on an assembly line. And the Lord was speaking to me about one of them.
He said: “See that fellow sitting there. He has worked there for 18 years sitting at that chair, doing his part, and he is about to retire. He is always there, never late, and dependable; working and doing his part. He is very valuable to me”.
As I listened to what the Lord was saying, I recognized that the job this fellow was doing was not exciting, was full of repetition and was not something most people would want to do. I also recognized that without this fellow the assembly line could not function.
When I woke up, I was thinking about it and it dawned on me that what the Lord had showed me was something I had heard before from more than one Pastor, Minister, or Reverend. That is; the need for and the importance of the people, the workers and volunteers, in the different churches to help in the functioning of the church. I have to say that I never really recognized the importance of what they were saying before. As the scripture says, and the dream indicated, God is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Undoubtedly this fellow’s work was recognized and he will be rewarded for the work he had done.
The Power of Love
In the second dream I was driving a bus with some folks to a place where they could be taken care of. Two of them, a mentally challenged boy and girl, were sitting together on the bus; withdrawn and silent. During the trip, I stopped for a short break and two people, a man and a women, stepped into the bus. They were the leaders of a group home….for lack of a better description.
They stood there for a moment looking at the folks on the bus. The man then stepped over to the mentally challenged boy and girl and kissed each of them on the cheek. You should have seen the change that occurred in the boy and girl; from being withdrawn and silent to joy. They were responding to the love that was being given to them. How do you walk away from that?
On seeing what was happening: the love that the man and women had for the mentally challenged boy and girl; and the wonderful change it brought into their lives, I was moved and intervened to ask the man and woman if they would accept the responsibility for caring for the boy and girl.
Upon waking, I thought about the dream and realized an important truth. It’s one thing to help people, to respond to their need because it is what one should do. But love responds to the soul. As the scripture says, and the dream indicates, love is a part of but more important than good works. I have to say that this dream brought home to me the power and importance of love.
Finding God!
Knowing about God is not the same as finding God! Finding God is to become aware of his reality when he intervenes in your life