God?  Are You Really Real?

If you can’t see God with your eyes, if you can’t touch God with your hands, if you can’t hear God with your ears; why should you or anyone else believe God is real?  The answer is simple, God has to reveal himself to you!  But how does God reveal himself to you or anyone?  That answer is simple too, He does it through personal experience!  This website, “God – what is the Answer“, is a telling of those numerous personal and, in some cases, amazing, experiences in my life through which God revealed himself to me.    The Bible is full of scriptures in which God says he will reveal himself to anyone willing to seek him.  But two scriptures say it all:

Psalms 14:2 (KJV) “The Lord looked down from heaven upon the sons of men To see if there were any that did understand, and seek God.”

Proverbs 8:17  (NKJV)  “I love those who love me and those who seek me diligently will find me.”

But how does God communicate with us?  He speaks to us in many different ways; one of which is through the history of His actions and communications recorded in the Bible. Those communications came directly: as in His still small voice to Elijah the prophet as described in the Bible (1 Kings 18 : 20-40); through an angel, as when the angel appeared to Daniel to talk about the future as described in Daniel 10 : 12-13; through a dream, as when Joseph and Mary were told to flee Bethlehem and flee to Egypt as described in Matthew 2 : 13; through Prophets, as when God instructed Nathan the Prophet to carry a message to King David not to build Him a temple in 2 Samuel 7 : 4-17; through visions, as when Gabriel the Angel appeared to Zechariah as described in Luke 1 : 5-23; and through the Holy Spirit of God, as when the Holy Spirit instructed Philip to “….Go near and overtake this chariot.” as described in Acts 8 : 29-39; through people moved by the Holy Spirit as described in 2 Peter 1 : 20-21 (which may be with or may be without their knowledge); and through His actions as when he parted the Red Sea as described in described in Exodus, chapter 14.

But how do you seek God?  If you want to find gold, what do you have to do?  You have to go look for it.  If you want to catch a fish, what do you have to do?  You have to go fishing.  If you want money and wealth, what do you have to do?  You have to go after it.  You have to seek them.  The secret to having God reveal himself to you is simply this: you have to seek him.  And the way to start is by asking Him to help you find him…a silent prayer between you and God.  That is how it all happened for me.  

But wait!  You can see the gold prospector’s gold and know he found it, you can see the fisherman’s fish and know he found the fish, you can see the wealthy man’s money and wealth and know he found it.  But what do you find when you seek and find God?  You will find through personal experiences a God who is interested enough in your well being, interested enough in your happiness, and interested enough in having a relationship with you,  to interact with you as you walk through your life.  What I can tell you is what I found as I walked through the trials and experiences of my life after seeking, and after finding, God for myself.  Check out the menu item above, “WALK WITH ME” and browse the pages describing God’s interaction in my life through the trials and experiences described in those pages.

But before continuing, here’s a few questions.  To find God, do you think you need to be somebody special to make that happen?  Not so!  Do you think you need to be innocent of all crimes and wrongs?  Not so!  Do you think you need to be smart or educated with a degree to your name?  Not so!  Do you think you need to be wealthy? Not so!  Do you think it is to late?  Not so! 

You simply have to have a desire to want God in your life enough to seek him. But why should you have a desire to want God in your life if you have never met him? The answer is also simple; and is true whether prospecting for gold, fishing, looking for money and wealth or seeking God!  Running into a successful prospector, a successful fisherman, a successful wealthy person, or a person who successfully found God and who is willing to share where and how they became a success encourages others to go and do the same.  It is my hope that, after you read of these personal experiences in this website, that you will be encouraged to seek God for yourself; to find the “gold” for yourself.

The Beginning; God Answers!

 “God, what is the answer?”  I was only nineteen.  At that time, God was not a conscious part of my life.  Don’t even know why I asked that question.  I was just looking at the moon and stars through my bedroom window.

Last thing I expected that night was an answer; much less an immediate life changing answer.  If you would like to know God, to have God reveal himself to you; then let me first introduce you to God and his reality.  Come along and walk with me as I reveal God’s reality in this website through my experiences after that eventful night.

Who Am I?

If you are interested in who I am, click on the “ABOUT ME” Menu item above for a little background information.

Walk With Me!

There are two ways to “walk with me” through the events described in this website.  One way is to simply click on the “NEXT” button at the bottom of each page which will take you to the next event (chronologically speaking) or you can click on the “WALK WITH ME” Menu above and selectively choose the event you might like to read.  In any event, come along with me as we travel through the amazing experiences in which God revealed himself to me.

These experiences are all true-to-life stories; beginning with that eventful night in which I asked the question, “God, what is the answer?” and continues on to our present day.


At the end of each one of the personal experiences described in these pages, you will find a section entitled “NOTES”.  In this section, I will point out some significant observations to be learned from this experience.  In addition I will reference one or more scriptures supportive of the experience described.

The Path!

If, after walking with me through the amazing personal experiences described in the “Walk With Me” link above and if you have a desire to seek God for yourself, there is a pathway for you to follow. This pathway is important, for you see, there is a problem, an obstacle, in the way of seeking God. 

It is called sin and it is an affliction shared by all of us.  No one is free of it.  But don’t worry, God has provided an answer through his Son, Jesus.  Reread the story of the experience described in “The Blood of Jesus: the Chaplain, the Dream, and the G.I.” to discover God’s answer to me (and to you) as I considered the sin in my life.

But more importantly, read what the Bible has to say about this situation and what the answer to it is for you by clicking on this link, “THE PATH” or by clicking on the Menu item above.
